hint: remember, POP3 e-mails will be deleted from the remote server (default option) * sample usage two POP3 mail accounts: acc1@acc1.com, pass acc1, port 995, SSL acc2@acc2.com, pass acc2, port 995, SSL config file: # base dir for the ,ail accounts BASE_DIR = /some/dir/somewhere # POP3 connection timeout TIMEOUT = 30 # checking interval INTERVAL = 120 # hosts definition # HOSTX = directory;account;password;host;port;usessl # example: # HOST1 = myacc1;account1;password1;account1.host.com;995;yes # HOST2 = myacc2;account2;password2;account2.host.com;995;yes # etc. # script makes just basic test of the config entries, so check your config twice ;) HOST1 = acc1-dir;acc1;acc1;acc1.com;995;yes HOST2 = acc2-dir;acc2;acc2;acc2.com;995;yes base dir structure: tomekk@tweety:~/pimsync# ls somewhere/* somewhere/acc1-dir: cur new tmp somewhere/acc2-dir: cur new tmp script is using syslog, so you can check you 'daemon.log' for some information example run: Jun 14 12:06:38 tweety pimsync[21836]: Checking: acc2 at acc2.com - new messages: 2 e-mail files will be delivered to the '$acc-dir/new' directory: tomekk@tweety:~/pimsync# ls somewhere/*/* somewhere/acc1-dir/cur: somewhere/acc1-dir/new: somewhere/acc1-dir/tmp: somewhere/acc2-dir/cur: somewhere/acc2-dir/new: 1340532605.It46mjpghQIL0u195LDmMDWkV7qaVG 1340532608._k50yKPlg5PtKNj8m375ZNvdG_sT42 somewhere/acc2-dir/tmp: All you have to do is to use IMAP Daemon like Dovecot and share your e-mails between devices ;)