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Simple stand-by module based on attiny13 Atmel microcontroller. You can turn on/off any device (DIY subwoofer, amplifier or any other device) via switch or RC5 remote controller (more about RC5 >here<).
You can enter in programming mode by holding stand-by button for about 7 seconds.
For more, see the movie below. HF!

electronic schematic:

elements localization:

relay shot:

list of elements:
- TR1 - TS2/16 transformer (TS2/16 means, 230V AC / 6V AC - 0.22A)
- B1 - bridge (I used tiny, 1,5A circular bridge)
- C1 - 1000uF/16V
- C2 - 470uF/16V
- C3 - 4,7uF/16V
- C4, C5 - 100nF
- D1 - 1N400x diode
- F1, F2 - fuse handles (standard, vitreous, tubular fuse)
- T1 - BC546B
- IC1 - L7805
- IC2 - Atmel ATtiny13 microcontroller (+ DIL8 holder)
- PK1 - relay (I used HONGFA JQC-3FF relay, 5V DC / 230V AC - 10A)
- R1 - 100R
- R2, R3 - 4,7K
- R4, R5 - In my situation 300R (It depends from LED type, please do not take more than 20mA-mps for each LED from each pin of the microcontroller)
- R6 - 220R
- X1, X2, X3 - ARK2 connector, 5mm
- X4, X5 - ARK3 connector, 5mm
- TSOP1736 IR receiver (GND, +5V, DATA are marked on the 'elements localization')
the rest:
how it works? see the movie on youtube: >click me<
board layout, elements list, .hex file for attiny13, source code file are available here: >click me<